Multiklub – členství ve všech klubech The Gym a Form Factory
Získejte přístup do celé sítě fitness klubů v Praze, Brně a Ostravě! Bez omezení využívejte moderní vybavení a širokou škálu služeb pro trénink i relaxaci.
Membership in all The Gym and Form Factory fitness clubs for an indefinite period.
2190 CZK
Price (incl. VAT)
The Multiclub membership is ideal for everyone who is serious about working out and achieving results and does not want to be tied to just one club. This membership provides access to all The Gym and Form Factory clubs and includes a modern gym, cardio zone, functional training.
The Easy Membership is concluded for an indefinite period, with a minimum duration of two full calendar months, and offers flexible conditions without penalties. The membership can be terminated at any time with a one-month notice period, which starts from the first day of the month following the delivery of the notice, allowing easy adjustment of the membership to current circumstances.
Získejte přístup do celé sítě fitness klubů v Praze, Brně a Ostravě! Bez omezení využívejte moderní vybavení a širokou škálu služeb pro trénink i relaxaci.