ProAge – členství ve všech klubech The Gym a Form Factory
Získejte přístup do celé sítě fitness klubů v Praze, Brně a Ostravě! Bez omezení využívejte moderní vybavení a širokou škálu služeb pro trénink i relaxaci.
Discounted membership for students under 26 (with a valid ISIC card) and seniors over 62 in all The Gym and Form Factory clubs for 12 months.
1590 CZK
Price (incl. VAT)
The discounted Easy ProAge membership brings the desired maximum benefits and simplicity for students under 26 with a valid ISIC card or seniors over 62. Easy membership is concluded for an indefinite period (but at least for 1 full calendar month + 1 month notice period), without penalties and with simple conditions. In this way, the customer can easily and quickly adapt the membership according to the current situation. Membership includes all services, from unlimited access to fitness, all group lessons including popular Les Mills programs and sauna/relax in all Form Factory fitness clubs.
Discounted membership for students under 26 (with a valid ISIC card) and seniors over 62.
Získejte přístup do celé sítě fitness klubů v Praze, Brně a Ostravě! Bez omezení využívejte moderní vybavení a širokou škálu služeb pro trénink i relaxaci.